• Question: How necessary do you think elbows are?

    Asked by to Daren, Lynne, Phillip, Simon on 13 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Lynne Thomas

      Lynne Thomas answered on 13 Jun 2014:

      I use my elbows all the time. They help with my thoughtful pose, and also for the head in hands pose when I can’t work out what’s going on or when something has gone seriously wrong! And of course for the sleepy phase when you need some help keeping your head upright! The bendyness of arms is really important when I’m trying to get access to awkward places when I’m trying to fix things on my experiments. So I think they are pretty important!

    • Photo: Daren Fearon

      Daren Fearon answered on 13 Jun 2014:

      Who cares about elbows! What is really important is elbow patches! Every scientist needs a good pair of elbow patches to wear when they are out talking about science.

    • Photo: Phillip Manning

      Phillip Manning answered on 13 Jun 2014:

      I like the body-part theme.

      Elbows are the exterior expression of one of the two major bones in your lower arm, the Ulna. This bones has a long(ish) process called the olecranon. This functions as a lever to attach major muscles such as the triceps and flexor carpi ulnaris….so your lower arm function relies, in-part, on the elbow 🙂

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 14 Jun 2014:

      I wonder this every time I bang my elbow (which is a lot)
      When I weigh up the pros and cons of elbows, I think I’d probably prefer to have them and not have to do everything nearly a metre away from my face – I’ve not got very good eyesight so I’d end up spilling everything!

    • Photo: Simon Redfern

      Simon Redfern answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      I have taken up rowing recently, and I enjoy running and cycling. It would be difficult to do any of these without elbows. If we had only one long bone in our arms think how much more tricky it would be to sit at your desk and type! But it would avoid that terrible pain you get when you knock your funny bone 🙂
