• Question: what is the smartest animal or organism? is it humans?

    Asked by to Daren, Lynne, Phillip, Simon on 22 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Daren Fearon

      Daren Fearon answered on 22 Jun 2014:

      Humans are considered the smartest animal as we have evolved to use tools, communicate, be self aware and are capable of abstract thought. Other animals like monkeys, dolphins, elephants and pigs have demonstrated that they are highly intelligent too though. It all depends on how we define intelligence and some people believe that animals are more intelligent than us but we don’t understand their intelligence.

    • Photo: Lynne Thomas

      Lynne Thomas answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      It depends on how you define smart! All animals have different skill sets and you could put us humans in some environments and we would struggle to survive! We have developed tools and had a significant affect on molding the landscape so you could say that Humans are the smartest. But its not going to be seen as being smart if we end up destroying the environment as a consequence!

    • Photo: Phillip Manning

      Phillip Manning answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      Only two organisms on Earth pollute their environment to the point where it is uninhabitable….these are algae (a simple organism) and humans (who think themselves smart)…..

      There are many species that sustainably ‘farm’ their environment, from ants and termites to primates and elephants.

      The key is knowing what is the measure of being smart 🙂
