• Question: your interview says that you are introverted, do you think that that is a good trait for a scientist?

    Asked by to Daren on 17 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Daren Fearon

      Daren Fearon answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      A lot of my friends that are scientists are also quite introverted, this doesn’t mean we don’t like other people but just that we are quite happy on our own reading a book. There is a lot of reading involved in science so maybe being introverted helps with that!

      Science isn’t just about doing good work though. You have to share it with the world, whether that means other scientists in your field or people on the street. Being introverted can be a bit more challenging here as you have to put yourself out there and do things like presenting work and networking. I actually quite enjoying presenting my work to a room of people though and so long as I know I can chill out afterwards I am happy.

      I think this cartoon quite accurately describes being introverted
